Five Unexpected Best Practices for Joint GTM graphic

Unexpected Best Practices for a Joint GTM


Insights from the Partner Perspective

Setting up a joint Go-to-Market (GTM) strategy with a global tech company can be both exhilarating and complex. As a partner, navigating this process requires more than just aligning your product with their offering. It demands a strategic approach that considers both the partnership’s immediate and long-term goals. Here are the top five unexpected best practices for setting up a joint GTM, drawn from years of experience in the trenches.

1. Prioritize Cultural Alignment Over Technical Integration

Why It Matters
While diving straight into technical integration is tempting, overlooking cultural alignment can be costly. In joint GTM efforts, cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings, conflicting priorities, and a failed partnership.

Actionable Steps

  • Conduct a cultural assessment before formalizing the partnership.
  • Hold workshops to understand each other’s decision-making processes.
  • Create a shared mission statement that reflects both companies’ values.

2. Invest in Joint Market Research Early

Why It Matters
Global tech companies often have vast resources dedicated to market research. However, relying solely on their data can lead to a myopic view of the market. Joint market research ensures both parties bring fresh perspectives, leading to a more robust GTM strategy.

Actionable Steps

  • Set up a dedicated research team with members from both companies.
  • Conduct joint surveys or focus groups to gather diverse insights.
  • Regularly review and update the findings to keep the strategy relevant.

3. Define Success Metrics Together

Why It Matters
Success for a global tech giant might look different than for a smaller partner. Misaligned success metrics can lead to dissatisfaction and a strained relationship. A clear, shared understanding of what success looks like ensures that both parties are working towards the same goals.

Note: According to a 2023 Go-To-Market Alliance study, 62.8% of Go-to-Market leaders find it challenging to measure the impact of their product launches. Aligning metrics early can mitigate this common challenge.

Actionable Steps

  • Collaborate on defining KPIs that reflect both companies’ objectives.
  • Use a balanced scorecard approach to cover financial, customer, and internal metrics.
  • Regularly review performance against these metrics to stay on track.

4. Create a Joint Marketing Calendar

Why It Matters
In a joint GTM, timing is everything. Misaligned marketing efforts can dilute your message or contradict each other, leading to confusion in the market. A shared marketing calendar ensures synchronization of both companies’ campaigns for maximum impact.

Actionable Steps

  • Develop a shared digital calendar accessible to both teams.
  • Align major product launches and marketing campaigns well in advance.
  • Plan regular check-ins to adjust the calendar as needed.

5. Empower a Dedicated GTM Team

Why It Matters
A joint GTM is not a side project but a strategic initiative requiring the dedicated resources. A team focused solely on the partnership ensures that it gets the attention and expertise it needs to succeed.

Actionable Steps

  • Appoint a dedicated GTM lead from each company.
  • Build a cross-functional team that includes marketing, sales, and product experts.
  • Establish clear communication channels for quick decision-making.


Setting up a joint GTM with a global tech company requires more than just aligning products and services. It involves a deep understanding of cultural alignment, early investment in joint research, shared success metrics, a synchronized marketing calendar, and a dedicated GTM team. By focusing on these often-overlooked aspects, you can build a partnership that not only survives but thrives.

Remember, the success of your joint GTM strategy depends on careful planning and execution. By following these best practices, you’ll be well on your way to a fruitful and lasting partnership.