Services: Marketing and Sales Materials

Better Stories and

Better Engagement

Compelling storytelling creates interest, so you can more easily engage with your customer 

Business Brief Series


Develop a series of six business briefs in a standard format and template to develop a customer-focused story across these major topics:

  • Worldwide Environment
  • Customer Challenges
  • Primary Benefits
  • Potential Solutions
  • System Architecture
  • Company Technology Portfolio Overview

Development Tools

  • Acrolinx
  • Maya 3D Modeling 
  • Client Internal Workflow and Content Management System
  • MS Teams 
  • Worksprings Content Development Process

3D Photo-realistic Project Renderings

Automated Fare Collection System 3D Rendering

Automated Fare Collection System

Automated Fare Collection System 3D Rendering

Pantograph Monitoring System

Train Collisions Avoidance System 3D Rendering

Train Collision Avoidance System

Advanced Driver Assistance System 3D View

Advanced Driver Assistance System

Positive Train Control System 3D Rendering

Positive Train Control System

Environmental Port Monitoring System 3D image

Port Environmental Monitoring

From Concept Sketch to Final Art

Images below depict the before and after artwork and 3D Rendering for the Smart Pantograph-Catenary Monitoring System business brief. We take great care to understand the key elements of visuals, to help your prospects understand your story quickly and easily.


We’ll help you meet your project goals, stay within your budget, and  deliver on-time

You’ll know your marketing plan is moving you in the right direction.